Lincoln + Alana {Detroit, MI}

Carpool commute, dinner, garden, adventure-- not always in that order. This describes the typical late-summer evening for the Hoey Moore duo. The invitation to document their routine evening was everything my soul had been craving-- rich fellowship, good eats, and a golden sunset. 

Dinner was prepared by both, while I danced around them with the camera as a record played from the dining room. Their efforts were equally simple and beautiful as they chopped, fried, measured and cleaned. A meal I'd never tasted before quickly emerged; the three of us were ready to rest and enjoy it by the time it hit the table.

The garden belongs to Alana's parents; its beauty took me by surprise. But Lincoln and Alana looked at home as they went to work-- unashamedly I interrupted their harvesting for a few poses, anxious to document that moment, in that garden, in the dreamy golden sunlight. 

The bouquet, design beautifully by Lisa Waud of Pot & Box in Hamtramck, was a gift to Alana from Lincoln on the previous day, her birthday. Its presence added a romance to the evening I'd be okay never forgetting. 

To be honest, I'm new to this storytelling type of shoot and wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. But a glimpse of the authentic love and richness in this ordinary evening can be found in these images, of which I hope Lincoln and Alana will forever treasure.