the van arragon family | grosse pointe, michigan

I love meeting new families.

It has been some time since I photographed a family with older children, and the Van Arragon family reminded me of just of how fun and refreshing it can be! Don't get me wrong-- newborns, little ones running around, you are my absolute favorite. But it was so fun to be able to gently direct and see instant results and be able to focus more on successful composition and framing the photo just the way I envisioned. In fact, my biggest hurdle during this session was those pesky tiny flying bugs {no idea what they're called, clearly} that kept swooping in on us over and over! They even confused my camera's focus sometimes, as seen below. We laughed and kept in motion and made it work. I mean, the sunlight was perfect and it wasn't 90 degrees, so we were one happy group.

This sweet family also reminded me just how useful social media can be for small business, and I am so grateful they found me and took a chance on me to document this time in their life even when we'd never met. 

Enjoy, friends.