uresk family | casper, wyoming

One of my favorite things about traveling and having family and loved ones who live all over the globe is that I get to take my passion for photography with me and connect with others in a way that I definitely wouldn’t otherwise. If you’ve been following along for a while, you already know this about me. But it’s worth noting again. My favorite part-- I feel so loved and energized through the whole process: while my family/friend is getting the word out of my future travels to potential clients, encouraging them to trust me; reconnecting with friends I’ve met solely because of photography, who desire to get portraits again; actually meeting up with said friends and photographing them; getting their feedback and staying connected as I get their images ready for delivery...the list goes on. 

Yep, even this introverted soul loves connection and our human need for it. 

All that to say, I’m so thankful for Bree and her family, who are displayed in the photographs that follow. She has been a treasured friend and colleague to my mom since some of family moved to Wyoming a couple of years ago— it seems like we’ve known them way longer! Bree has even entrusted my mom with the role of “Grandma Beth” to her littles. It makes my heart sing to witness their connection and the numerous ways God has filled needs in their lives with simply the existence of each other. 

Thank you Uresk family for your love. And your cuteness. Goodness, you are cute together. 



hey! you made it to the end of one of my longest blogposts-- thanks for scrolling through, friend!



ellie ray | 10 weeks new | driggs, idaho

I think Idaho is the furthest I've traveled for a photo shoot? 

It may not have been why I went {it wasn't}. But I couldn't be around this cuteness and not document it. 

I was in Idaho this July was because I found myself within four hours {SLC with other dear friends!} of my dear friend Norah and I could not pass up the opportunity to spend 24 hours with her and her family, and to meet Ellie. So we took advantage of the situation and planned it. Being with them = pure joy. Our shared experiences go back to preschool, and now they include motherhood. Read: happy heart.

You may remember I photographed Norah and her new baby bump last Thanksgiving... here she is now with Ellie Ray, the sweetest little peanut who is the closest thing to a niece to me without actually being related. 

Ellie dear, I love you. Till the next time I get to kiss your cheeks and hug your mama, dear one.



Norah {Casper, Wyoming}

Ten minutes of laughter in the Wyoming sunset and we've added to our 25 year long, beloved catalog of memories. 

Living far away from Norah has now become part of my normal. Time together is always special and feels like home to me. 

Our spur of the moment decision to capture their growing family on Thanksgiving day resulted in exactly what I shoot for--  pretty images that speak loud with memories. Thank you Norah and Cody and Baby Kuhn for allowing me to get my photog-fix while on vacation and for continuing to foster friendship with me and my family from afar.

xoxo Amanda

Mountains and Wildflowers {Casper, WY}

Sometimes, I take spontaneous vacations.

Most recently, I traveled alone with my two children {2.5 yrs and 2.5 months} to Casper, WY, to spend time with my mom, stepdad, brother, sister-in-law, and niece. I had been wanting to go visit them since my son was born, but didn't feel as though I had the courage to do it. One day, with some encouragement from my husband, I worked up the courage and bought the tickets to depart the following week. I went! And I survived! Mind you, I felt like I was losing my mind from all of the stares I got with two children in tow in the airport, but a screaming toddler kept me focused.

This trip was pure gold. Mainly because it meant unlimited time with my mom to do whatever we felt like most days. But also because I got to see a little sliver of life out west for my family and it reminded me that home is where the people you love are, and that can be in more than one place. 

Behind the camera is my happy place, and I enjoyed being able to capture nature and my kiddos candidly. I hope you enjoy this view, too. 

{Somehow not pictured are my sweet brother and his beautiful wife. Gah! Next time!}

My fall has booked right up and sessions are very limited-- if you haven't booked yours yet, do it today

Graceyn Lenore {Casper, WY}

Guys-- my niece is here. And she's every bit as beautiful, squishy, cuddly, and sweet as I hoped!

For a few months now, with their blessing, I've planned to visit my brother and sister-in-law soon after the arrival of sweet Graceyn. I'm thrilled that it worked out as it did; I made it here before she made it to three weeks old! Here I am, proudly watching them parent and watching her {mostly} sleep and make the best newborn silly faces you ever see. All while waiting for the perfect opportunity to document their little family.

One evening, just before the sun sunk behind the mountains, we scrambled around to capture the moments they'll {hopefully} remember fondly. I was beaming as I went through the photographs afterwards, and actually begged them to be my models for life. I mean, they photograph so well! These photos mean so much to me. Enjoy the highlights from this precious session.

Here's to parenthood and babies and airplanes that make five states away seem so much closer.



In Waiting for Baby Youker {Michigan + Wyoming}

I've been withholding these photographs, thinking I would share them collectively when Baby Girl Youker arrived. But in waiting for her arrival, I've decided to share them here in an effort to share my excitement that her due date is arriving and she really could be here anytime! From talking with my brother and his wife, I get the feeling that maybe they are in this tension between "come on, baby girl!" and "wait, are we ready to be parents?!". I have a very familiar understanding for this confusing place in time.

Even though they live in Wyoming, I've been able to photograph my beautiful sister and her growing belly three times throughout her pregnancy. I offered these sessions to her in hopes that she would be able to look back on the moments we captured and cherish the miracle of carrying her little one all these months, especially near the end now when I'm sure she'd rather be holding her in her arms.

To Andrew and Trisha-- you are going to be wonderful parents. And keep in mind wonderful does not equal perfect. While we can't offer perfection to our children, your efforts to love and nurture this baby is what will make you wonderful. I have no doubt you will take on this role like champs. My advice to you-- you need Jesus and you need each other. He is the source of love that will get you through everything! From those who offer help-- take it. From those who offer food-- eat it. From me {and many others} who offer support and love--  know you are loved and supported and reach out for anything {and I mean anything!}, anytime. 

Until she comes, here's the cutest expecting couple you ever did see!

{14 weeks}

{26 weeks}

{33 weeks}