Greta {Lansing, MI}

This weekend's hangout included a casual maternity session. With the football game on and our husbands, dogs, and kiddo hanging in the room next door, I had the opportunity to spend some time hearing about the excitement of a very loved little boy on the way.

Greta is stunning. She had a vision for indoor photos, which was meaningful and sweet. Thankful for the natural light shining in, I posed her near windows and was happy with the results. These photos seemed to be really special to this mommy-to-be. But later, as I saw the sun going down and its glow seeping through the windows, I convinced her to come outdoors with me for a few poses-- and it was so worth it. 

I've notice lately that when I get behind the camera, I can't help but be energized-- in a giddy, can't stop smiling kind of way. While it may sound silly, in this season of thankfulness, I feel the need to say that I am thankful for the individuals who trust me to be behind the camera. Being here brings me joy in a way that I never thought possible. I'm trying my best to love others through this God given blessing; I'm so grateful. 

To Greta-- My hope is that these photos will have captured this moment in time so you remember how content you were, waiting for little Rock, preparing for his arrival with patience and love. It was so special to me to be a part of-- thank you!