Eva Jean {Grosse Pointe Woods, MI}

Eva Jean was two weeks old when I visited her and her mom, dad, and pup Ozzie for her newborn session. I have a special place in my heart for sessions like these, with new parents and new life-- precious firsts I adore capturing for friends.

I feel compelled to throw out a little advice today, so take it or leave it:

Do you know anyone who just had a baby {or is going through any other traumatic/difficult/crazy event, really}? Love on them. That way you express that love may look different between individuals, but figure out what it is that they need and be there for them! Do they need more help around the house? More meals? More sleep? More space? Someone to cry to? To make them laugh? To dream with? To listen to their woes? Trust me, your efforts to love are accentuated when you take some time to figure out what it is they actually need-- whether it be physical or emotional. And you may not get it right at first! And that's okay.

On the flip side-- did you just have a baby? {Or are you going through something else traumatic/difficult/crazy?} Don't be afraid to reach out and tell your loved ones how they are needed. Communicate. Let people in to love you. But also understand that all humans love differently and sometimes it's the effort that counts. 

Love, people.

Emilee, Andy, Eva, and Ozzie, thanks for inviting me into the delicate and special time you are in. It means the world to me and I hope your first weeks together can be looked back on with fondness!